Bets Area

Keep track of the bets you've placed on the Bets Page.


Summarise your betting by day, month or year. The summary table then shows your P&L for each and the chart reflects this.


A simple P&L over time to show you how you're doing.


The bets table gives a fuller breakdown of your bets data, including: race / runner, scheduled info, order info and the outcome.

Race Runner:

Date Time: The market date time and a link to the Betfair market
Venue: The race course.
#: The horse cloth number.
Horse: Runner's name.


MTP: The minutes to post set for the bet to be ordered.
Min: The lowest odds you asked for (not needed if using a system).
Max: The highest odds you asked for (not needed if using a system).
System: You system you've asked to be matched to - will look to match static filters like class, but most useful for dynamic ones like odds and favouritism.
Action: You can kill open bets, or cancel schedules ones from here.


Side: Back or Lay.
Bet: A SINGLE or HEDGE initial type.
Type: Exchange or BSP.
Stake: Your stake (for liability or for profit) value.
As: Liab (Liability) or Profit. For backs a 'liability' bet is a 'normal' bet as you are liable for your stake. For lays a 'profit' is a 'normal' exchange bet.


Price: The odds the order was placed at.
Size: Your bet stake.
Filled: The size of the order that has been matched.
C/L/V: The size of the bet that's been cancelled, lapsed or voided by Betfair.


Status: The stage the bet is at (settled for markets that have been decided)
Price: The average price you got matched for.
Size: The total amount matched and settled.
Profit: The amount you made from this bet (before commission).


You can 'archive' your bets to remove them all and export then to csv. We recommend you export and save your bets on a monthly basis as we cannot 100% guarantee permanent storage on our databases.