The race cards are your comprehensive guide to the day’s races.
The race cards are your comprehensive guide to the day’s races, displaying a detailed list of runners in a specific race or a shortlist of horses that qualify based on your saved systems.
Easily change the Date Picker to load the cards for any day, simply click on a race or shortlist from the race card on the left to load in-depth runner information.
The columns displayed are fully customizable to suit your preferences
Personalize your viewing experience with the Column Editor, opened with the bars icon in the control area to the left of the race details:
Personalize your viewing experience by turning data columns on and off as desired:
Select the columns you wish to see by checking the boxes next to each option and close the editor to save your changes.
If you want to revert to the default settings, just click the reset button.
Maximize your screen space by clicking the << chevrons to hide the race list, focusing solely on the information that matters most.
• Class: Race class (1 to 7)
• Hcap: Indicates if the race is handicapped (Y/N)
• Going: Race conditions (if known)
• Dist: Distance in miles and furlongs
• Race Type: Jump (J), Flat, Chase, Hurdle, AW (All Weather), or Turf
• Rnrs: Total number of runners in the race
When viewing a shortlist, the results may be spread across multiple pages. You can easily navigate to the next, last, previous, or first page. Additionally, order the columns by any metric you prefer for streamlined analysis.
If you’re viewing a shortlist, you’ll see the race’s time and venue for quick reference.
• #: Horse Number
• DR: Stall Draw
• COLOURS: Image of the horse's silks
• HORSE: Name of the horse, with Jockey/Trainer names displayed beneath
• Betting Symbols: Indicators (B, L, B2L, L2B) will show if you have placed bets via the betting slip.
• BRN: Country of birth
• GNDR: Horse gender (e.g., Colt, Filly)
• BFFC: Betfair Forecast Price
• WGT: Horse's weight (in stone and pounds)
• AGE: Age of the horse
• OR: Official Rating
• DSLR: Days Since Last Run
• SYSTEMS: List of systems the horse qualifies for, if any
Horse Stats
Gain insights into each horse’s performance over the past 12 months with these key metrics:
• R: Number of Runs
• W: Number of Wins
• SR: Strike Rate
• ROI: Return on Investment
• AE: Actual versus Expected ratio
• ADB: Average Distance Beaten
• ABR: Average Book Reduction (in-play)
• APD: Average Price Drop
• PRB: Percentage of Rivals Beaten
• QPR: Quality Performance Rating
Horse B2L Stats
Explore the B2L hedge statistics for the horse's runs over the past 12 months:
• R: Number of Runs
• W: Number of Wins
• SR: Strike Rate
• ROI: Return on Investment
Jockey and Trainer Stats
These are the same as Horse Stats, but:
• Jockey Stats: Performance data over the past 12 weeks.
• Trainer Stats: Performance data over the past 4 weeks.
Visualize today’s Betfair price data for each runner:
• Prices Chart - Today's price data in a chart
• VOL: Volume matched on the runner in the Betfair Exchange
• WAP: Weighted Average Price
• WPL: Lowest Weighted Average Price
• WPH: Highest Weighted Average Price
• PRD: Predicted back price at post time
• POP: Indicator of market pressure, comparing WAP and PRD
• HP: Hedge Potential
• B: Back Price
• L: Lay Price
Result Information
Track the performance of each runner with these metrics:
• BSP: Betfair Starting Price
• IPL: In-Play Low Price
• IPH: In-Play High Price
• B2L%: Back to Lay Percentage (profitability)
• POS: Finishing Position
• VIEW: Click to see detailed information about the runner's past performances. If the runner is a qualifier for one or more of your system, then it will show:
Confirmed / Green Thumbs Up:
These meet all your static filters (like class), dynamic ones (like odds), and the set MTP (Minutes to Post) has passed.
Pre Qualifiers / Orange Binoculars:
These meet dynamic filters but haven’t yet passed the MTP (Minutes to Post).
Static Qualifiers / Red Question Mark:
These match criteria like race class but do not currently meet odds filters - though they can turn into qualifiers if the odds shift within your system's parameters as MTP approaches.
Adding Tracked Horses:
Click the 'star' in the cards (or Tracked Horses List) to add / remove:
Your Tracked horses can be seen by clicking the 'star' icon to the left of the race information.
You can add 'Tracked Horses' as a filter to your Systems Shortlists:
1) Open the Research Tab
2) Create a NEW system and call it (for example) 'Tracked'
3) Click 'Tracked Horse' in Filters section and selected: Tracked
4) Save your new system.
Now you can open the Race List and view your new shortlist:
Open past runs by clicking the horse name or view icon:
Pro Tips
You may order the columns by clicking on the header.
Hover over each past run to see run comments for that race.
The betting slip is opened by clicking on either the back or lay odds in the 'Race List' tab:
Hedge or Single Bet
Hedge Bet: This will place a bet on the opposite side of the book, to the original bet, in order to achieve a profit.
Single Bet: This will place a single bet in the market, i.e. with no hedging, on either the back or lay side of the book.
Hedge Bet
The system will order 2 bets for you. The initial bet at current odds, and a second hedge bet targeting the percentage profit you asked for. A 100% hedge profit is a 'Double or Bust' bet.
Back to Lay: Places a back bet and the appropriate lay bet in order to hedge the position.
Lay to Back: Places a lay bet and the appropriate back bet in order to hedge the position.
Single Bet
Orders one bet as requested into Betfair
The main option are: Back or Lay, Exchange or BSP type bet. The system can cope with under min stakes for exchange bets, however, your stake must meet Betfair's rules for BSP bets - so watch out there.
Order Options
This will place a bet, to the number of units specified and in the currency of your Betfair account.
Profit / Liability
These are the same for both back and lay bets.
Liability is the amount you are willing to lose; for a back bet this is a 'normal' punt on the horse, for a lay the stake is adjust or requested into Belfair as a liability type if the stake is high enough. If the stake is low then Hedger Pro will calculate the stake as best it can, the outcome might be slightly different depending on the exact odds matched.
Profit is the amount you want to win; for laying this is a standard Betfair bet; for backing the stake is adjusted as per laying is for liability betting.
A delayed order can be scheduled with the parameters below by toggling 'Scheduled' to on. More options will then show:
MTP (Minutes To Post): The number of minutes before published post time that the delay order is submitted to the market.
Min Odds: The minimum odds, below which your delay ordered bet will not be placed.
Max Odds: The maximum odds, above which your delayed ordered bet will not be placed.
Must Qualify For: The saved system the bet must be a qualifier for. If you set this, set min / max odds to 0 & 1000 unless you want to override your system settings. Also please set the MTP for the same as, or after the system MTP (if you have one)
Order Odds: The odds the bet slip will order your bet at.
Hedge Stake (estimate - if hedging): The stake the system thinks will be ordered to complete the hedge bet.
Hedge Odds (estimate - if hedging): The odds the system thinks will be ordered to complete the hedge bet.
After submitting a bet:
Your bet is now listed in the race cards:
SL - Scheduled Lay
SB - Scheduled Back
L - Lay Bet has been submitted
B - Back Bet has been submitted