
The race cards show a list of runners running in a specific race, or a shortlist of runners that qualify to shortlist in your saved systems.

Change the Date Picker to load the cards for that day and the Hedger Return to see B2L stats against that risk level

Click a race, or a shortlist on the race card on the left to load the runners information. The columns you see are fully customisable.

Column Editor

Edit the columns you want to see with the column editor:

Simply check on the columns you want to see and close the editor. If you want to reset then click the reset icon.

Race Information

Clicking on the << chevrons will hide the list of races to save screen estate.

Class: Race Class (1 to 7).
Hcap: Y (Yes) or N (No).
Going. Race going (if known)
Dist: Miles / furlongs.
Race: J (Jump) / Flat - Chase / Hurdle - AW (All weather) / Turf.
Rnrs: No. of runners in the race.


When viewing a shortlist, the resulting runners maybe split into 'pages' of results. You can view the next, last, previous or first page - or, you can order the columns by the metric you want to see first.

Race Table Columns

The columns are arranged in blocks: Race, Runner, Horse Stats, Horse B2L Stats, Jockey Stats, Jockey B2L Stats, Trainer Stats, Trainer B2L Stats, Prices and Result Information.

All columns can be ordered by clicking the header.


If viewing a shortlist, you can se the time and venue of the race.


# - Horse Number.
DR - Stall Draw.
COLOURS - The horse silks image
HORSE - Name of horse and underneath which, from left to right, Jockey / Trainer.
The symbol B, L, B2L or L2B will show if you have a bet via the betting slip.
BRN - The country the horse was born.
GNDR - The horses gender and sex.
BFFC - Betfair Forecast.
WGT - The weight that the horse is carrying today in stone and pounds.
AGE - The age of the horse.
OR - The Official Rating of the horse.
DSLR - Days Since Last Run.
SYSTEMS - A list of systems the horse qualifies against (if any)

Horse Stats:

Stats about the horses previous performances over the last 12 months.

R - Number of runs.
W - Number of races won.
SR - Strike Rate.
ROI - Return On Investment.
AE - the ratio of Actual versus Expected. This is an indicator of the value proposition i.e. the profitability of a statistic. The 'actual' and 'expected' are the number of winners. The expected number of winners being derived from the implied probability of a horse winning a race as represented by its BSP (Betfair Starting Price). A score of above 100 is good and conversely a score of below 100 is not good.
ADB - Average Distance Beaten.
ABR - Average Book Reduction (In-Play). The ABR is calculated as follows for each race; 100/lowest traded price - 100/BSP. This is similar to ticks drop but more accurate.
APD - Average Price Drop. The maximum price drop that can be achieved in any one race is 100%.
PRB - Percentage of Rivals Beaten in previous races.

Horse B2L Stats:

B2L hedge stats for the horses runs in the last 12 months.

R - Number of Runs. Runs were the starting odds allowed a B2L bet
W - Number of Wins. Note that a 'win' in this context means the horse achieved a successful hedge, to the % target chosen from the drop-down menu.
SR - Strike Rate: wins divided by runs.
ROI - Return On Investment.

Jockey Stats: as horse stats but over 12 weeks
Jockey B2L Stats: as horse B2L stats but over 12 weeks

Trainer Stats: as horse stats but over 4 weeks
Trainer B2L Stats: as horse stats but over 4 weeks


Prices Chart - Today's Betfair price chart.
VOL - The volume matched on the runner in the Betfair Exchange.
WAP - Weighted Average Price. The average price at which the runner has traded, weighted to take into account the amounts traded at each price point.
WPL - Weighted Average Price Lowest. The lowest recorded WAP since the market opened.
WPH - Weighted Average Price Highest. The highest recorded WAP since the market opened.
PRD - The Predicted back price at post time.
POP - A measure between WAP and PRD intended as a market pressure indicator.
HP - Hedge Potential; The Book difference between current price and PRD. This indicates whether a B2L or L2B hedge bet would be preferable.
B - Back Price. The current back price on the Betfair Exchange.
- Lay Price. The current lay price on the Betfair Exchange.

Result Information:

BSP - Betfair Starting Price.
IPL - In Play Low. The lowest price at which money was matched in-play. This is invariably 1.01 with regard to the winner of the race.
IPH - In Play High. The highest price at which money was matched.
B2L% - Back 2 Lay Percentage (profit). The maximum possible % profit that could have been achieved by backing at BSP and laying at IPL.
POS - Position. The position in which the horse finished the race.

VIEW  - click to see details of the runners past runs (also achievable by clicking the horses name)

Horse Tracker

Adding Tracked Horses:
Click the 'star' in the cards (or Tracked Horses List) to add / remove:

Your Tracked horses can be seen in the info tab, and you can now add 'Tracked Horses' to your Systems Shortlists

1) Open the Systems Tab
2) Create a NEW system
3) Select 'Tracked' in 'Tracked Horse'
4) Hit Qualifiers

Lock & Load the system to save it, then view in the races list

Runner Performances

Open past runs by clicking the horse name or view icon:

You may order the columns by clicking on the header.
Hover over each past run to see run comments for that race.

Betting Slip

The betting slip is opened by clicking on either the back or lay odds in the 'Race List' tab:

Hedge or Single Bet

Hedge Bet: This will place a bet on the opposite side of the book, to the original bet, in order to achieve a profit.
Single Bet: This will place a single bet in the market, i.e. with no hedging, on either the back or lay side of the book.


Back to Lay: Places a back bet and the appropriate lay bet in order to hedge the position.
Lay to Back: Places a lay bet and the appropriate back bet in order to hedge the position.

Single Bet 

Back or Lay the selection

Order Options

Stake: This will place a bet, to the number of units specified and in the currency of your Betfair account.
Target Profit: Y = Attempts to achieve your target profit by placing the appropriate hedge bet.
Target Profit: N = Does not attempt to achieve your target profit by placing a hedge bet. 

Scheduled: A delay order can be scheduled, to the parameters below, by toggling to 'Scheduled'.

MTP (Minutes To Post): The number of minutes before published post time that the delay order is submitted to the market.
Min Odds: The minimum odds, below which your delay ordered bet will not be placed.
Max Odds: The maximum odds, above which your delayed ordered bet will not be placed.

Order Odds: The odds the bet slip will order your bet at.
Hedge Stake (estimate - if hedging): The stake the system thinks will be ordered to complete the hedge bet.
Hedge Odds (estimate - if hedging): The odds the system thinks will be ordered to complete the hedge bet.


After submitting a bet:

Your bet is now listed in the race cards: