Common Terms and Acronyms


# - Cloth Number
DR - Draw
BRN - Country Born
GNDR - Horse Gender (Filly, Mare etc)
BFFC - Betfair Forecast Price
WGT - Weight (in pounds)
OR - Official Rating
DSLR - Days Since Last Ran

Performance Stats: 

HRS - Horse
JKY - Jockey
TRN - Trainer

R - Runs
W - Wins
SR - Strike Rate
ROI - Return on Investment (or Yield)
AE - Actual V's Expected (100 is as expected, over is good, under bad profitability wise)
ADB - Average Distance Beaten
ABR - Average Book Reduction (Difference between BSP book odds in-play low book odds)
APD - Average Price Drop / Difference (Percentage Price Dropped in-play)
PRB - Percentage Rivals Beaten (Average)


WAP - Weighted Average Price 
WPL - Lowest WAP
WPH - Highest WAP
PRD - Predicted Price (Based on Traded Volumes)
POP - Popularity (Based on PRD v's Actual Price)
HP - Hedge Potential - The bugger the better the chance (we think)  the horse will hedge
B - Back
L - Lay


BSP - Betfair Starting Price
IPL - In-Play Lowest Price
IPH - In-Play Highest Price
MBL - Maximum Back to Lay Profit Achievable on this runner
POS - Finishing Position

System Shortlist Filters (Extra to Cards Terms):

DIST (F) - Distance in Furlongs (rounded to nearest furlong)
GRD / GRP - Grade / Group
VOL K - Market Volume in Thousands
HCAP - Race Handicap (Yes or No)
AM/PM - Morning or Evening Race
C WIN - Course Winner
D WIN - Distance Winner
CD WIN - Course AND Distance Winner

BFBM - Betfair Bot Manager (Export Shortlist in Info)