P&L Chart combining multiple systems.
Horse, Jockey and Trainer stats to all be available for 52, 12, 4 and 2 week periods.
'Change' filters to be added. e.g.: change in class, distance. official rating from last time out, all time high, all time low and normal comparative distribution.


We are always working on a list of proposed feature upgrades, please do feedback with features you'd like to see.

1st May 2024

Settings icon added to the cards tab. This contains the Hedge Target option to declutter the race list. It also contain a new option to show distribution percentiles to the stats metrics. For example: a 33% strike rate for a horse is achieved by 83% of runners.

24th April 2024

Added Going for AW and Turf as individual filters.
Added missing Draw filter.

Stats are now colour coded based on a normal distribution of the value against all values in the set.

05th April 2024

New, Copy, Clr (Clear) and Del (Delete) buttons moved to the top
Qualifiers and Research buttons moved to the top
New button: Lock & Load added under the filters - this saves the system for exporting and for when you come back)
Edit mode collapses when you click Qualifiers or Research
New Filters: Course, Dates (AM/PM, Hour of Day, Day or Week, Month of Year), Prices (WAP, Ordered (was called rank), Volume K (in thousands), PRD, POP, HP B2l, HP L2B and Favourites Odds.

22nd March 2024

New major version released to testers with Alpha Status.

ADB (Average Book Drop) now called ABR (Average Book Reduction). This is to save confusion between ABD and ADB (Average Distance Beaten).
New filters in shortlists: Grade / Group, Class (now a list), Sex, Gender, C, D, CD, Official Rating, HPL and HPB (Lay and Back) replace just HP, Odds Rank (currently BSP only).
Column editor icon moved out of the table.
New overall filters (with no research charts): Odds range, Tracked Horse and Ordered Horse (which now is Ignore, Back or Lay).
Shortlists now have: Add, Copy and Edit icons statically placed next to the shortlist select dropdown.
Shortlists now have Bet Side (Back or Lay), Stake Type (Liability - normal back, adjusted lay, or Fixed Profit - normal lay, adjusted back), Anti Back Fit (in months). These are for the research system.
RESEARCH SYSTEM - Click Research for charts and tables of all the chosen filters!